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+40 344 801 638

Electronic archive

Considering that the company is experiencing a large volume of documents, whose management is becoming increasingly difficult, must be found an effective solution whose implementation can streamline daily activities, reducing search times used for various documents from folders of the company.

Searching documents will be done by multiple criteria, so the time used for finding them to be as short as possible.

The electronic archive is a management system of electronic documents used for reception, ranking, selecting and utilization of documents in electronic format.


  • audit evidence-collection of information concerning operations or any other activities that have affected or altered documents, collected with sufficient details so as to permit the reconstruction of a previous activity;
  • classification archives - structured list, consists of the classification scheme, time limits for storage corresponding categories of documents from the classification scheme and the access actions on documents in an electronic document management system;
  • ensures the control and security of documents and database;
  • maintains internal integrity, functioning and coherency of the system and database;
  • ensures preserving indefinitely of permanent documents and final disposing of those with expired storage period, with the exception of the situations stipulated by law;
  • ensures processes of introduction of documents in the management system;
  • provides the access to documents stored in the archive, respecting the established access rules;
  • ensures the functions of searching/administrating/deleting documents, guaranteeing the control operations in order to remove the risk of unauthorized access;
  • documents and files stored in electronic form shall be included in the archives of the organization.


  • increasing the productivity and reducing costs by eliminating/minimizing the time required to retrieve documents;
  • improving security by controlling access to critical information and reducing the risk of data loss;
  • creation and sharing of general information collections (lists, libraries, information);
  • facilitating decision-making by providing relevant information to the people with proper access rights;
  • improving employees' actions by providing tools to access data simultaneously through local networks.