This module allows the management of time resources allocated by company's employees for individual tasks.
Hours worked by employees must be entered on each internal order/work and type of activity. Thus can be calculated, depending on the cost of each employee, labor corresponding to each work.
- the necessary information for determining the time sheet are:
- salary;
- the work/internal order on which the time sheet is introduced;
- type of activity;
- data;
- number of working hours;
- displacement - if the employee has worked in other location;
- destination - for the employee that worked in other location.
- the module net.TimeEntry has four specific reports:
- centralizing time sheets - contains the total amount of the hours worked by each employee; distinguishing the hours during the week, weekends and trips;
- time check sheet - daily timesheet for each person on the types of activities/work/internal orders, grouped by weeks;
- summary of labor - contains the hours worked on each job/internal order in hand, emphasizing the weekdays, weekends and trips;
- labor - includes hours worked on each job/internal order in part, detailed on each day/people/activities - weekly grouped.