This privacy policy contains information regarding our privacy practices for the entire website NET VISION SOFT.
1. Collecting and use of information. Within the site, you are offered the opportunity to contact us via email to ask questions or to make comments and suggestions. In our turn, to honor your requirements correctly, we may request additional personal information, such as your name and your phone number, email address.
NET VISION SOFT is the sole owner of the customer data collected on this site, we will not distribute this information to others. NET VISION SOFT respects the right to privacy while you are using our site.
The purposes of collecting and processing data by NET VISION SOFT are:
2. Security. Our website takes every precaution to protect information about our users, both online and offline.
3. Links. NET VISION SOFT site contains links to other sites. Please keep in mind that the NET VISION SOFT is not responsible for the privacy policy cannot guarantee / control timeliness / accuracy of the information presented on websites of third parties to which reference is made on its website. Our users must be careful when accessing a link from our site, and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable information. Our privacy statement applies only to information collected by the NET VISION SOFT website.
4. Options. Our users are granted the opportunity to choose whether their information may be used for purposes such as, registering to our newsletter. We add users to our lists only when expressly give their consent to be added. If, at any time, you decide that you no longer wish to receive these notifications, you just have to send an email to with the subject line: "unsubscribe me from the newsletter".
5. Notifications and changes. When we will decide to change our privacy policy, we will post a notice with those changes, so our users to be aware of changes made to the information they collect, how they are used, and under what circumstances. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information for any other purpose than that stated at the time when it was collected, we will notify users by email. Users will have a choice if whether or not we can use their information for other purposes. The information will be used in accordance with the privacy policy in force at the time of collection.
6. Questions. If you have questions or if you believe that we do not respect this privacy policy, please email us at
Any information in this site shall not be considered as an offer of products or services in general and software products and services in particular, coming from the NET VISION SOFT.
The information published on this website are subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Using the information. You can view, copy, print and distribute material from this site only if:
2. Website content. Warranties. Site content objective is to provide timely and accurate information. NET VISION SOFT cannot guarantee that these pages contain no errors, but we inform you that we will make every effort to provide accurate information and correct any errors that occurred.
Also, we cannot provide any warranty regarding:
3. Information regarding copyright. All materials in this site are subject to the rules of copyright. All information, products or applications contained in this site are property of NET VISION SOFT, which reserves the right to modify/revise content and/or structure of the site at any time and without any prior information. The entire content of the website is protected by copyright law, all rights reserved. All rights relating to pages, content and presentation of the site are owned by NET VISION SOFT.